Thursday: Education & Tips: from MP

BWP-1. MP WEBSITE & SERVICES | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | (ALL)
BWP-2. Official MCRD & USMC SHARES | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | (ALL)
BWP-3. CALENDAR & TIME | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | (ALL)
BWP-4. CONVERSATIONS | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | (ALL)
HEARTFELT POSTS: Make your post heartfelt and personal! Add your own experience, gif, or photo to the comments, too.
INVITE ALL MEMBERS TO COMMENT: These are BATTALION WIDE posts; don't make your post specific to a company. Ask the "seasoned" members to share their recent experiences with the "newbies".

ABOUT THIS BWP: There is a smorgasborg of pages to share from the Recruit Parents website. Sharing the page URLs gives you the text and corporate approved image. Pick a page from the website, add your personal touch, and you're done.

Make this post FUN; create a CATCHY TITLE to encourage the members to take a look and join the conversation. Visit to pick one of your favorites to share. Or, some quick ideas follow:

RTU & VCM IMAGES: Images are typically included in each of the pages you will share using the FB Like/Share button or by pasting the entire URL for the page.

MEMBER INTERACTION: Add your VO signature; tag yourself so the members "see" who you are. Be sure to go back in after you make the post so you can talk with the members. They want to hear from YOU.

Important Note to ALL Volunteers: New ideas for a BWP are welcome but require approval FIRST. Seek advise from your coach on new ideas. Your coach will consult with the RTBN Manager. Creating or "piloting" a new post idea is never permitted without explicit permission from the RTBN Manager.