Saturday: MP OS, TMP, Store, RSBN, Spanish, Newsletter Signup

BWP-1. MP WEBSITE & SERVICES | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | (ALL)
BWP-2. Official MCRD & USMC SHARES | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | (ALL)
BWP-3. CALENDAR & TIME | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | (ALL)
BWP-4. CONVERSATIONS | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | (ALL)
HEARTFELT POSTS: Make your post heartfelt and personal! Add your own experience, gif, or photo to the comments, too.
INVITE ALL MEMBERS TO COMMENT: These are BATTALION WIDE posts; don't make your post specific to a company. Ask the "seasoned" members to share their recent experiences with the "newbies".

ABOUT THIS BWP: Choose from one of the following four types of posts for your Saturday post. Some of the posts are a "Did you know...?" type of post. Under each type of post, there may be additional options from which to choose. Choose ONE per Saturday.

RSBN and Spanish is pretty tough to make fun. BUT, you can make the EGA Shop and TMP Posts fun. If applicable, with a VCM, or if not, use a catchy title.

  1. Newsletter Signup
    You can simply copy and paste the following; the RTU image will pull from the URL included:

    Sign up for Recruit Parents Newsletters! We send out weekly Recruit Parents and Marine Parents newsletters along with coupons, sales, and new products from our own EGA Shop featuring licensed Marine Corps clothing and keepsakes.
    To learn more, click this link:

  2. RSBN: Medical Support Platoon
    You can simply copy and paste the following; the RTU image will pull from the URL included:

    DID YOU KNOW...? We have an Official Facebook Group that is specifically for family members of recruits who have been moved to a platoon in the Special Training Company, whether for illness, injury, conditioning, evaluation, or separation. The group allows family members to communicate concerns with one another, as well as ask questions of our trained volunteers.
    To learn more, click this link:

  3. Spanish-Speaking Families
    You can simply copy and paste the following; the FB Group image will pull from the FB URL included:

    DID YOU KNOW...? We have a Facebook Group for Spanish-speaking family members!
    Si usted desea conectarse y compartir en su primer idioma, no dude en unirse al grupo de Recruit Parents en Español. Este grupo está dedicado a la familia y amigos de reclutas de habla hispana. Nuestras compañeras voluntarias están ahí para apoyar y guiarle durante estas 13 semanas. De clic al enlace y recuerde contestar las preguntas de inicio para ser agregado. Semper Fi!
    To learn more, click this link:

  4. Store: EGA Shop
    Choose from one of the following.
    1. Share the EGA Shop Facebook Page:
    2. DID YOU KNOW POSTS: On our "Posting Rule #10" page, there is text below the rule for "Why shop with us". Any of that information can be shared. You would want to create a VCM for posting text from these pages.
    3. POSTS TO SHOP: On VOW, we have a page of links with banners with text and images ready to go. Choose what you want to offer, copy and paste the URL for the page with your personal touch, and it's done.
      Mega Menu > POSTS OTHER PLUS > Right Colum > EGA Shop Links to Share
  5. TMP: Team Marine Parents
    Choose from one of the following. FYI, during COVID, even the MCM is virtual. The MP Virtual Runs are monthly; be sure to look for the most current status before posting.
    1. TMP and Marine Corps Marathon (on hold 2020)
    2. General Info & "Join the Team"
    3. Marine Parents Virtual Runs
    4. TMP Fan Squad
    5. Donate on Behalf of a Runner

RTU & VCM IMAGES: Typically, RTU images will be part of what you are posting from the above pages.

However, if that is NOT the case, create your own VCM with the Meme Generator.

Upload your VCMs to your VO Photo Album in your MP Team Group before using it in your post. Click the folder to open the MP Meme Generator.

MEMBER INTERACTION: Add your VO signature; tag yourself so the members "see" who you are. Be sure to go back in after you make the post so you can talk with the members. They want to hear from YOU.

Important Note to ALL Volunteers: New ideas for a BWP are welcome but require approval FIRST. Seek advise from your coach on new ideas. Your coach will consult with the RTBN Manager. Creating or "piloting" a new post idea is never permitted without explicit permission from the RTBN Manager.